The B2B Blockchain of Sales and Marketing

It's time to decentralise your marketing and sales models - Nick Raeburn thatsocialnerd Bitcoin is looking pretty good right now. Yep I’m HODLer! I’ve been fascinated by crytpocurrency since it came along. Always been a bit of a futurist me. But the great thing about cryptocurrency that a lot of people don't understand. Is that it’s built on the blockchain. An almost perfect system of decentralisation. But blockchain doesn't just pertain to crypto, in-fact it can be applied to anything with a store of value. Like trust. "The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value." – Don & Alex Tapscott. There are 4 key concepts pertaining to Blockchain. These are 1 Cryptographic Hash A Hash is a cryptographic function that transforms any input data into a fixed-length string of numbers. One of the most important features of the Hash function...