The Social Media Grind
I really struggled to come up with an article idea today. Contrary to popular belief as a creative it can be a drain sometimes staying creative. A constant need to always create wears you out. Leaving you feeling a bit like this! And that’s okay, it's human to feel like this. But then I got to thinking about how far I have come on this journey and that EVERYTHING we do on social, everyday, with actual strategy, has a purpose and an end result. And whilst some days it feels like you’re getting nowhere, you actually are. Every like, every comment, every new person added to your network is growth and whilst these may seem like baby steps at first, in time these get bigger. As more people are added to your network, you’ll see an increase in content views, which will in turn, allow you to be seen by more people and allow those people to be bought into your network. Which allow you to have conversations and that’s where the magic happens! But this all starts with being human firs...