Social Selling the Stephen King Way

I was (and still am) a HUGE Stephen King fan. Like him or not he has done an awful lot for pop culture and the sheer volume of work the man has put out is staggering. So in todays newsletter I am going to slap some Stephen King tropes over what it means to be digitally dominant and socially aware as a modern company. So get ready to go down the master of horrors rabbit hole! 1. The Main Character Is A Writer - Ironic since I’m sat here writing this for you right now 😉 Writing content doesn't have to be hard (or scary). But the power of Linkedin Newsletters and Articles cannot be ignored. Writing articles will do wonders for you and our audience. Articles become part of the structure and fabric of your profile. So the more you write, the stronger your profile gets. It will also help boost your Linkedin SSI (social selling index) which you can check out here and specifically the engage with insights bit. If you keyword optimise these as well they will do a ...