So no one told you social was gonna be this way!

I used to absolutely hate sitcoms. But one day (my then) girlfriend (now wife, tells you a lot about our relationship) introduced me to Friends. And life was never the same again. Great Nick I love Friends too, but what an earth does this have to do with social selling? Well I’m glad you asked. Every business needs 4 simple things. Access to markets "We have established we have useful products and services and now need to take them to market. Where can we take them and who are the businesses we should target?” . This is the market analysis piece and working out how we get into those markets. Credibility in those markets Once we have established where and who, how do we show them that we are a credible player? "How to we demonstrate this in ways that get them interested in us ?". Meaningful connection with prospects We now have their attention; " how do we establish trust and build relationships within those new accounts?”. Well I’m glad you asked...