Now you're talking social

When I went on holiday recently I was fascinated (as was the wife) by a group of deaf people all signing to each other. I could of watched them for hours. They were so expressive. Using their hands arms and body to really articulate what they were saying to each other. It was really beautiful to watch and it got me thinking about how basic language alone can be and how much can be misconstrued by it. But do we really talk enough? Probably not I’d venture. I was guilty of this for a long time. Would shut down and bottle things up and not share. It started getting me to think about language, culture and the way we pass on knowledge through the written word and how the internet and social media has turned that almost into a real time dance. Different forms of content (written word, audio, video and images, graphics and photography) allow us to communicate in even more varied ways to appeal to our audience. Talking with pictures and making memories is universally appealing - Evan Spi...