Hold My Pickle

Pickles (or gherkins to us brits), pure evil aren't they. There you are, just minding you own business and you bite down into that tasty burger and this green, limp foul smelling thing crunches between your teeth. It’s enough to ruin anyone's day. Pickles are rank, they smell, they look funny, they taste even worse. So why for all that is good and holy would you put them inside a product like a burger? I hate them (yes I release that's a strong word). But they literally serve no purpose other than to make my life a living hell. But for some strange reason my wife loves them. She can’t get enough of that green, gnarly, lumpy flesh between her teeth. Yep, she’s a weirdo I know (heck she married me, that tells you all you need to know right there). This is why we compliant each other, she’ll happy snarf my pickles from my bun faster than you can say Ronald McDonald. And that my friends is the trouble with bias. We assume (incorrectly) that just because we don’t like somethin...