
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Personal Brand "personality test"​

  Patrick  gave me my content idea for this newsletter this week. We got into a conversation about how much of your personality you inject into your content. Here’s the actual conversation thread (who says you can't get content ideas from comments). I would say it’s damn near impossible to have a personal brand without a personality. The term “personal brand” was coined in 1997 by Tom Peters in a Fast Company article titled “The Brand Called You,” (for the nerds out there). I’m going to break down two polar opposite ends of the spectrum here and deal with introverts and extroverts. I sit (I think just in between these two as an ambivert). So let’s do some digging and break down a few of my connections into what makes them tick! Extrovert James Clutterbuck  James run a company that deals in live events and experiences. He loves to use humour and satire in his content. What you see is what you get with James (and I speak from first hand experience).  He wants you ...

As You Wish (or the Dread Pirates Roberts playbook)

  It’s no secret I like movies (scrap that, I LOVE movies) so it should also come as no surprise that I inflict this on my kids as well! There is a right of passage about to happen in our house this weekend and I’m almost jealous that the kids will get to experience it firsthand.  I’m talking about their first ever screening of the princess bride of course. I’m that obsessed I even have a framed poster of it in my office 😂 SPOILER ALERT AHEAD (OR THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY) A kindly grandfather sits down with his ill grandson and reads him a story. The story is one that has been passed down from father to son for generations. The story is a classic tale of love and adventure as the beautiful Buttercup, engaged to the odious Prince Humperdinck, is kidnapped and held against her will in order to start a war, It is up to Westley (her childhood beau, now returned as the Dread Pirate Roberts) to save her.  On the way he meets a thief and his hired helpers, an accomplished swordsm...