If you build it they MIGHT come

Sorry it's been a wee bit quite round here of late. I’ve been busy building a community which meant somethings had to take a back seat. This newsletter being one of them. But I'm back in the saddle now. Since I have been pouring blood sweat and tears into that, it’s probably fair to say I’ll be sharing with you what HAS and HASN’T worked so far from building a community. So hopefully you’ll learn from my mistakes and profit from the wins! Remember A field of Dreams (loved that movie). If you build it, they will come - Ray Kinsella Things what I have learnt so far! • Inbound isn't the be all and end all. I did several posts leading up to the launch BUT I also did an awful lot of outbound prospecting in the DM’s. People won't always know they want something till you ask them. So get out there and ask them! People who tell you it's all inbound on Linkedin are selling a myth • You CANNOT do this stuff on your own. Have a sounding board. And someone that can steer you...