Ride the worm of social

Everything you want is on the other side of fear - are you ready to ride the worm? - Nick Raeburn thatsocialnerd This fanboy is excited. Yes my tickets are booked and this Saturday I’ll be experiencing Dune 2 in all it’s cinematic glory at an IMAX near me. I am beyond pumped. It feels like I have waited a lifetime for this experience (because I have). I wonder what else we have in our lives that we maybe wait too long for? I recently went through the process of cementing my business vision. It’s a stark reminder to me why I do what I do. It now sits on a whiteboard next to me at my desk. My good friend Lizzy Parsons helped me create it. This is my business vision - "Story scale is committed to the idea of helping business owners and employees discover their voice. To empower their culture. We facilitate this through creativity and play. Changing the way people perceive themselves and impacting the world around them for the better. Through unlocking the gift of their FEARLESS v...