Welcome to the Wild Wild West


Look around you..

What do you see?

Acres and acres of prime, digital real estate!

When I was a boy, this stretched as far as the eye could see!

Imagine social media like the Wild West and people are already starting to stake their claims!

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One of the first questions we always ask new clients is.

"Who are the leading technical and commercial influencers in your space?"

And most can’t answer it.

This is of course a good thing!

It means the doors are wide open for you to take advantage of the digital land grab that is currently happening around you.

Thought leaders and influencers are creating spaces within their sectors to pull people towards them. People that want to become part of their digital tribe and champion them for what they stand for!

I was exactly where you are now 2 years ago had less than 1000 connections. I now have nearly 30k followers and a sizeable pipeline of new clients. All from becoming socially stronger and staking my claim partner!

It allowed me to build a meaningful network of people around me. A network that YOU can also leverage to influence that people that you want to do business with.

Let’s imagine a small company who specialise in a particular product or service. 

They compete with much larger organisations who have a similar service line included with a range of services. 

The small company is completely focussed on the service, the larger companies see that service as one of a series of divisions or departments.

The small company is the stranger in town, to the larger company (sheriff) to use a cowboy metaphor.

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The small company may come across the larger company when bidding for work. The large company have more people, more resources and, in many cases can apply more flexibility to pricing to win the work. 

How many times have you seen a larger competitor buy the work?

What chance in Sam hell would a small company have over a larger company on Social….?

A surprisingly HUGE one actually!

The cornerstone is a solid strategy…

A strategy that sets out the plans and activities that will build your digital dominance. This isn’t about creating a post and suddenly POs come flying in the window (wouldn't that be nice)….this is about digitally dominating your sector. 

This is about you and your team becoming the answers to the question you want to be the answer to, when Google is asked. Which you can achieve from social!

Then we optimise the profiles of the team. 

Buyers are checking you out on Social so, your profiles need to be at least better than your competitors.

This means your team’s profiles will be buyer centric and digitally optimised, they will have profiles that are working for them when they are asleep.

Clocking up that all important SEO gold!

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Then we start growing your network. 

Connecting and building relationships with key people and doing this at scale…another step up.

Then we start to build influence. Across the team. 

Creating rich and diverse content which educates, inspires, challenges and entertains our growing network and engage in conversation with key people. 

Then start to really focus on bringing your digital identity to life.

You start to receive inbound from the new activity and interactions.

Then we build in Multichannel networks (other networks).

This boosts your profiles and content across different platforms. You start to achieve digital dominance over your competition.

You take control of the digital narrative in your chosen sectors.

It all starts to build and you start to roll past your competition. And they are left wondering how on earth you are getting to deals ahead of them.

By doing this it gives you...

Visibility - Your marketplace recognises and your team.

Trusted advisor status - You are recognised as experts.

Pipeline, growth & inbound - More opportunities.

Recruitment opportunities – People want to work with Social organisations.

One of the main differences we see with smaller companies who are Social Selling is the whole team approach, you are all in this together. 

Some larger companies will restrict this to their sales teams, you are different. You are agile!

You will have your board members, your management team, you operations people, your technical people and your sales and marketing people…all of these brilliant, talented people growing networks, creating engaging content and engaging with your prospects. These are your superhero's and rockstars!

The whole team active on Social, bringing the conversation to you.

Smaller companies are quicker to act and more internally connected. 

With just a few things, done regularly and at scale on Social, your small company can overtake the larger, less flexible competition, who you end up circling with your wagons!

And you dominate and win in the new digital landscape which is happening right now under your nose.

But hurry, those plots of land are going fast!


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