The Way of the Creative 🥷 Part 2


I have always been a bit chaotic, it's the artist in me. But just recently I spotlessly and meticulously cleared my studio room. Dusting, rearranging furniture and gear. I ain’t gonna lie, it felt gooooood!

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I am convinced there is a direct link between that and my internal hardwiring. Tidy office, tidy mind!

It’s allowed me to be more logical which has inversely also allowed my creativity to fill that space more freely.

The order in a way invites the chaos in. 

I always love the analogy with film Noir (a cinematic movement characterised by stark lighting, cynical heroes, frequent use of flashbacks, intricate plots, and an underlying existentialist philosophy.)

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The lightning style (for which it was most famous for) came about from the budgetary limitations of having very few lights on set and was heavily influenced by German expressionism! So a limitation became it’s strength and a hallmark of the movement.

In his TedEd animation short, Brandon Rodriguez explains that

"any project is restricted by many factors, such as the cost, what materials you have at your disposal, and the unbreakable laws of physics. These factors are called creative constraints, and they’re the requirements and limitations we have to address in order to accomplish a goal." 

"Constraints," Rodriguez says, "aren’t the boundaries of creativity, but the foundation of it."

I think as creative the limiting and opposing constraints of boundaries are what enables a creative to see where the border is, so they can pole-vault across it.

Creatives seem to be the happiest in spaces where there is transition and chaos. They thrive in it but they also need to be guided and that’s where processes come into it 

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Take content for example (one of the main things everyone struggles with). Quantity will always trump quality in his regard. How so? The more consistent you are with your content you’ll learn on the job from simply doing. Reading all the books in the world and procrastinating on content won't get you the result you need. By doing we learn in evolutionary leaps and bounds over those that practice through theory. 

James Clear does a great job of defining the difference between being in motion and taking action. His definitions:

Motion is when you’re busy doing something, but that task will never produce an outcome by itself. 

Action, on the other hand, is the type of behaviour that will get you a result.

An example might be...

Planning your content and asking opinions from friends as well as studying other peoples content VS just posting!

It’s the discipline component of posting (the consistency and constraint) that actually MAKES you better. It becomes a process.

Processes, as a creative I always thought of that as a dirty word. Just roll it around your tongue. It feels cold, detached somehow. About as far removed from the human and creative experience as you're likely to get.

What about if you got creative with your processes and allowed space to improve and innovate?

Alister Esam says "We need to re-embrace process – not as a fixed and constraining force, but as a way of harnessing and building on our people’s creativity. That way we get the best of both worlds."

So next time you're feeling stuck with content (like I was writing this article) just remember to start, take action. Chaos can come from the beauty of order (and often does).

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Think about how those long established processes you have built could be improved by your creatives and how the constraint and limitation can also inspire your creatives to dig deep, overcoming obstacles you could never have imagined moving past. The creative people in your company can be your most prized asset if your focus and harness that energy correctly!

See you next week for more kids!

When your head says one thing and your whole life says another, your head always loses.” - Frank McCloud (Humphrey Bogart)


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