Blink and YULE miss it

Wow what a year that was, it flew by. The kids seem taller every day (or maybe I’m shrinking). That old cliche they grow up so fast reminds me of Elf. It’s one of my fav Christmas movies which goes on repeat in the Raeburn house every year and it's guaranteed to have me shooting drink out of my nose from laughter. Will Ferrell stars as Buddy the elf, accidentally transported to the north pole as a child and raised by elves and feeling like he doesn't fit in (the shower scene is comedy gold) he heads into New York in search of his real father Walter Hobbs (played by James Cann). Hilarity ensues as Buddy gets accustomed to human life, falls in love and meets Santa! Buddy was meant to stand out, it’s part of his charm and it reminded me of something. Being ourselves is key to building a personal brand. One thing I have been a whole lot more conscious of this year is stopping comparing myself to others. I actually feel that new years resolutions are actually detrimental to our me...